Book Review- North, South, East, West by Pratham Books
Written by CG Salamader
Illustrated by Kavita Singh Kale
Published by Pratham Books
Ages 4+ yrs

‘Not all classrooms have four walls’ - says a famous quote. Schooling isn’t limited to what you sit and learn in a structured program. School is wherever learning happens. And in this case, Shaana who is possibly world schooled is taking a break from regular school to travel the length and breadth of India.
In what is a cool study in basic geography spanning the entire sub continent, this book is a delightful bunch of letters that Shaana writes back to her friends about her travel.
Their travel and experiences are carefully documented and it is a brilliant read in understanding the literal diversity of our country where sometimes within miles, you are met with a new landscape and terrain and people.
An immersive look in to India through the lens of a child. Ideal for kids aged 4+yrs