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Book Review- Flooded

Aishwarya S

by Mariajo Ilustrajo

The story plays out in a city which wakes up to find their surroundings slightly wet. They go about their lives unbothered, some of them even enjoying the sudden dampness. The wetness soon turns into a flood situation. The smaller animals find themselves submerged and suffering. The larger animals speaking from their privilege, see nothing to complain about. Till. Till the day they are all submerged, finally waking up to the fact that the situation is now out of control.

In the midst of all the madness, there is one voice of reason who is steadily ignored. Finally the animals realise that they need to work together to solve this problem! This is such a stunning tale with layered meaning. The book showcases themes of toxic positivity, general public apathy, privilege of a few and ignoring the voice of sanity! That sounds about right about the times we live in!

The illustrations are the most wonderful part of this book. The black and white sketches are awash with the blue of the flood water and are super simple and intricate. The only grouse I have is the font used! It was unreadable for the most part.

Nevertheless, this is a wonderful read. I would suggest you linger on the pages to see the many details in the illustrations. They are stunning.


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